Honestly, my journey in creativity is like an intricate dance, there’s no script, no step-by-step guide. It’s messy. It kicked off with me nose-deep in thousands of non-fiction books. Each one was like having a conversation with the author, absorbing their insights and weaving them into the fabric of my thoughts.
Online courses? I’ve devoured hundreds. It’s been a mix of everything - art, science, business, you name it. Each one is like a puzzle piece, adding a splash of color, a jolt of insight to the swirling mix of ideas in my head. It’s been a decade, a whole ten years of marinating in a mix of information, soaking it all up like a sponge.
Fast forward, and you’d find me binge-watching films and documentaries, or with my nose buried in creative magazines. Ideas, they started to pop up like wildflowers, unexpected but oh-so-beautiful, each adding a unique hue to my ever-growing garden of creativity.
Brainstorming and training creativity, they’re siblings but not twins. Brainstorming leaps out, bold and untamed, a spontaneous dance of ideas under the moonlit sky of imagination. Training creativity, though, that’s my everyday. It’s a journey, a constant dance of learning and evolving, with the world as my stage and every interaction a step, a move, a twirl.
My brain? It’s on a marathon, not a sprint - always processing, always churning, like a chef concocting a recipe yet unknown. But the magic, the real spark? It ignites in the silent moments. When the noise fades, and I’m left with the echoes of a decade’s worth of learning, that’s when creativity dances forth, unbridled and free.
Brainstorming for me is like breathing – it just happens naturally. I kick back, let myself unwind, and boom – ideas start rolling in like waves to the shore. One thought sparks another, and before I know it, I’m surfing a tidal wave of inspiration, each idea a stepping stone to the next. It’s an effortless dance. 😊