Member-only story
Read Less, Do More
I hate to break the bad news to you, but you are an information junkie that falls in love with knowledge but never has the energy and discipline to put things into action.
After three months on Medium, writing 92 articles on money, and reading thousands of comments, it has become clear why most writers and readers are broke.
The people in the developed economies have gotten used to the check their governments send their way every month; if they can pay for their food and rent, why bother?
The people in the developing economies have given up on hard work and become enslaved to the concept of easy little money; they are comfortable with a cup of tea, a piece of bread, and a cigarette.
The people in the underdeveloped economies have given up on living altogether; life is just too harsh to survive; let's give up and wait for death.
These reasons have made people fall in love with wanting to read more, learn more, gain more brain confidence, philosophize, idolize, and criticize everything, including their ability to get up and take a basic idea and turn it into a reality.
If they need to write an article, they need to read a thousand articles before writing a short script; if they want to shoot a short video, they must watch a hundred videos before to ensure everything is perfect.